Regarding photography of teapots - TeaOverflow

Buying things online, the quality of the pictures has a significant impact. However, for Yixing teapots, I insist on taking the photos myself, capturing real-life scenes in my store. Then I process the images myself, removing any surrounding distractions because I want to ensure that each teapot is presented in its original form, focusing only on the teapot itself and trying to capture its physical appearance as accurately as possible. I can also hire a professional photography studio for a cheap price, like these examples, in stereotypical scenes. But ultimately, that is not my intention. (Of course, if necessary, I will update some product images in my blog, showcasing their usage scenarios and providing bi-directional links to the product pages.)

Since all of my works are located in my physical store, they are photographed and shipped without any beautification. Therefore, they may not look as exquisite as other artistic photos. However, I insist on this original intention.

All of my photos are taken on this tea table, and it takes a long time to process each image, so I might be a bit slow. But I will speed up, so please stay tuned.

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